
December 2022: How GUSI Spread the Power of POCUS in 2022

On behalf of the Global Ultrasound Team, 

We are so appreciative of your support and trust along the POCUS learning journey. 2022 has been a big year for POCUS with the new ACGME POCUS curriculum guidelines in Family Medicine and the constant expansion of POCUS applications. We are proud to be at the forefront of this movement.

The GUSI team has traveled from Kenya to Kentucky, from Johannesburg to Sao Paulo, Guyana to Long Island, and many places in between.  

Here are some of our highlights from 2022:

  • 10x increase in the number of online learners
  • Front-line providers from 60+ countries from South Sudan to rural Alaska

  • New courses in Musculoskeletal POCUS and Pediatric POCUS with many more new courses on the way.

  • 150 GUSI Instructors, now from >10 countries

  • In-person training of 500 Kenyan midwives in OB POCUS (largest POCUS deployment ever)

  • Hundreds of healthcare providers in combat zones in Ukraine with free GUSI access 

  • Supporting POCUS education in Yemen and Bangladesh with MedGlobal

  • Closed-captioning of all content in Spanish, French, Portuguese, and Ukrainian

  • Thousands of scans in the Scan Portfolio archive and expert QA done on hundreds of them 

  • In-person training for: Alameda County Healthcare for the Homeless, University of Arkansas Family Medicine Residencies, The Wright Center, California Academy of Family Physicians, Direct Primary Care, Northwell Family Medicine Residency, Skagit  Family Medicine Residency, Kansas University Family Medicine Residency, among many others


For our final newsletter of the year, we wanted to share cases that highlight pathology that speaks to our humanity’s shared passion for soccer/football. 

Case Study #1 
Famed journalist Grant Wahl collapsed and died while covering soccer at the World Cup. Autopsy showed that he died of an aortic aneurysm rupture. This disease is devastating and often only presents itself on autopsy, which makes it almost impossible to prevent. 

  • Learn more here about aortic aneurysms here in this meta-analysis that examines the utility of POCUS in the management of ruptured aortic aneurysms.
  • Also, check out this NPR podcast discussing Grant Wahl’s life and legacy here.

Case Study #2
David Beckham famously missed the 2010 World Cup in South Africa  because of a torn Achilles tendon. This devastating injury has impacted numerous athletes and have impacted their careers. But this is also a disease that commonly happens when playing recreational sports as well. 

  • Read more about ultrasonographical findings of ruptured Achilles tendon injuries here. 
  • Pediatric patients also can develop Achilles tendon injuries. Learn more here. 


In 2023, stay tuned for more incredible content with:

  • Basic OB/Gyn Essentials

  • Procedural Ultrasound

  • Tropical Medicine Essentials

  • Critical Care & Advanced Cardiac Ultrasound


As well as software updates to make POCUS education as streamlined as possible with the ability to:

  • New GUSI POCUS APP!!!  (Planned Release Summer 2023)

  • Assign lectures 

  • Track learners’ scans for accuracy


POCUS Training is for Everyone

Did you miss this month’s flagship POCUS course? Don’t worry, we will hold our next conference April 13-14, 2023 at the Hilton in San Francisco. 


We are so thankful for your trust and support. 

Wishing you Happy Holidays and a Peaceful New Year!

Kevin, Mena, and the GUSI Team


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